Getting started


First of all, the library needs to be initialized with a call to distdir_initialize.

This function internally calls MPI_Init and configure the library.

Index list

The user needs to provide index lists with global indices. For each exchange, two index lists need to be created, one with the indices to be sent and one with the indices to be received.

The API function new_idxlist requires an integer array with the global indices and its size and it returns a t_idxlist object.

In case of unidirectional exchange, the source or receiver index list should be empty. An empty index list can be created with a call to new_idxlist_empty .


Once the index lists are correcty created, most of the effort on the user side is done and the library can create a map between all processes involved in the exchange based on the source and receiver index lists.

The mapping is done internally using a basic distributed directory algorithm. The mapping is done with a call to the API function new_map which requires the source and receiver index lists and the MPI communicator. An additional parameter can be provided which helps to optimally set up the distributed directory, but a negative value can be provided to use default values internally. A detailed explanation about this additional parameter is given in the next page and it is particularly useful to exchange 3D fields.

The function returns a t_map object which is agnostic about the data types of the fields involved in the actual exchange. The object holds information about the ranks from which the indices needs to be received and the ranks to which the indices need to be sent.


A exchanger object needs to be created to specialize the computed map for a specific field or group of fields with the same exchange pattern and the same data type. The API function new_exchanger requires a t_map object and a MPI data type in order to return a t_exchanger object.

Once the exchanger object is created, the exchange is set up and it can be triggered with a call to exchanger_go which requires the t_exchanger object and the source and receiver pointers to the data in memory. Ideally, this is the only function call of the API which is used in the time loop of an application.

Finalization and clean up

Each object created during the set up of an exchange needs to be destroyed.

The t_idxlist object is only needed for the mapping, so it can ideally already destroyed during the initialization phase. This is achieved with a call to delete_idxlist.

The t_map object is needed for the actual exchange, so it should be deleted in the finalization step of an application. This is achieved with a call to delete_map. Same principle can be applied to the t_exchanger object which can be destroyed with a call to delete_exchanger.

Finally, the library can be finalized with a call to distdir_finalize. The function internally clean up the memory for the library configuration and call MPI_Finalize if not already done.